S2B Events
S2B Events
Warwick - USP Partnership Workshop on Synthetic Biology
21 November 2016
The workshop will bring researchers from the Universities of Warwick and USP to build on the existing partnership between the two institutions.
VenueInstituto de Biociências - USP Edifício Felix K. Rawitscher "Minas" - Sala 1 R. do Matão, S/N Cidade Universitária , Butantã, São Paulo/SP |
Trans-Atlantic Partnership Workshop on Synthetic Biology
09-10 April 2014
The workshop will bring together researchers from the Universities of Warwick, UK; Boston, USA; and São Paulo to build on the existing partnership between the three institutions.
VenueInstituto de Ciências Biomédicas IV - USP Anfiteatro CEFAP, piso térreo (ground level floor) Avenida Professor Lineu Prestes, 1730 Cidade Universitária , Butantã, São Paulo/SP CEP 05508-900 23º34'04.19" S 46º43'53.19 O |
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/wswarwickusp/home
Seminar: Aquaporins trafficking and xylan synthesis and characterization
Date: 25 March 2014.
Venue: Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo.
Speaker: Mathias Sorieul (University of Cambridge, UK).
Seminar: Enhanced production of biochemicals through metabolic engineering
Date: 18 March 2014.
Venue: Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo.
Speaker: Vinod Kumar (University of Nottingham, UK).
Seminar: Design and synthesis of pyridines and pyrimidines as potential drug-like scaffolds. From design to application
Date: 11 March 2014.
Venue: Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo.
Speaker: Viktor Iaroshenko (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA).
Seminar: Life on a chip
Date: 25 February 2014.
Venue: Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo.
Speaker: Danny van Noort (Ewha Womans University, South Korea).