Research Groups

Instituto de Química Research Groups

Biochemistry Department
  • Glaucia Mendes Souza – Sugarcane genomics, functional genomics and regulatory networks
  • Carlos Takeshi Hotta – Alternative models for the study of sugarcane regulatory networks
  • Sandro Marana – Cellulolytic Enzymes for processing of biomass
  • Pio Colepicolo – Biofuels and Bio-based chemicals from Algae
  • Walter Ribeiro Terra and Clelia Ferreira – Plant pests and control
  • João Carlos Setubal – Genomics of Microorganisms for Biofuels and Biomass Processing
  • Armando Casas Mollano – Epigenetic gene regulation in plants
  • Flavia Vischi Winck – Integrative analysis of omics data and molecular physiology of microalgae
Fundamental Chemistry Department
  • Alcindo Aparecido dos Santos – Organic synthetic chemistry for bio-based chemicals
  • Flávio Maron Vichi – Fuel Cells, mesostructures and ceramic materials
  • Leandro Helgueira de Andrade – New synthetic enzymes isolated from biomass-degrading microorganisms
  • Liane Marcia Rossi – Catalists development for synthesis of alcohols and polyols for bio-based chemistry
  • Luiz Henrique Catalani – Polymers from biomass
  • Massuo Jorge Kato – Biodiversity and metabolomics
  • Rômulo Augusto Ando – Ionic liquids for gas absorption
  • Pedro Henrique Cury Camargo – Fuel cells and nanocatalysis
  • Pedro Vidinha – Biobased chemicals


Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Research Groups

  • José Gregório Cabrera Gomez, Luiziana Ferreira da Silva and Marilda Keico Taciro – System analysis and engineering of bacterial metabolism to the development of bioproducts
  • Gabriel Padilla e Wellington Araújo – Metagenomics as source of lignocellulolytic enzymes and other bioproducts from microrganism-plant association
  • Elisabete José Vicente – Production of PHA from agroindustrial residues
  • Heloiza Ramos Barbosa – Diazotrophic bacteria interactions with sugarcane


Instituto de Biociências Research Groups

  • Marie Anne Van Sluys – Sugarcane genomics and transposable elements
  • Marcos Silveira Buckeridge – Mechanisms of Sugarcane Cell-wall hydrolysis


Instituto de Matemática e Estatística Research Groups

  • Alan Mitchel Durham, João Eduardo Ferreira, Roberto Marcondes Cesar Jr., Ronaldo Fumio Hashimoto, André Fujita and Júnior Barrera – Bioinformatics and Systems Biology


Escola Politécnica Research Groups

  • Claudio Augusto Oller do Nascimento – Modeling and chemical process optimization