
Mesa-redonda BIOEN-FAPESP: A Bionergia Alavancando a Transição Energética
O objetivo do encontro é discutir os mais recentes avanços da pesquisa sobre etanol, biomassas e biocombustíveis; avaliar suas perspectivas de mercado e proporcionar oportunidades de networking e de cooperação futura entre as instituições envolvidas.
Video: Webinar BIOEN 2020-2030 with Q&A session
More videos: 2021 and 2020 Program
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The Brazilian Bioenergy Science and Technology Conference and the 20-country Biofuture Platform multilateral initiative have joined forces to bring the world´s very best in policies, innovation, science and market outlook in the bioenergy and bioeconomy sectors to Brazil, in a landmark event which will take place from May 24-26th, 2021.
This unique event will combine two different conferences in one: the second Biofuture Platform policy conference (BIOFUTURE SUMMIT II), and the fourth edition of the Brazilian Bioenergy Science and Technology Conference (BBEST).
BBEST is a triannual international conference on bioenergy now in its fourth edition, after the very positive outcome from the previous versions in 2011, 2014 and 2017, attended by hundreds of researchers, entrepreneurs and government officials from Brazil and abroad. This time, besides covering relevant aspects of bioenergy, from biomass production to conversion and final use, the 2020-2021 edition will highlight innovation.