
Bioen Partners
The FAPESP Program for Research on Bioenergy, BIOEN, includes partnerships with industry for cooperative R&D activities between industrial and academic laboratories. The joint R&D projects will be co-funded by FAPESP and industry.
Projects are selected through calls for proposals and peer review analysis. As of October 2012, BIOEN has the following industrial partners:
The aim of this agreement is to provide short term pump-priming to new collaborations between research groups in the São Paulo State, Brazil and BBSRC funded research groups in the UK. Priority is given to applications in the area of food security and/or Bioenergy and Industrial Biotechnology.
UK Investment in Bioenergy and Opportunities for Brazil- UK Collaboration
by Duncan Eggar - Bioenergy Champion, BBSRC - October 2014
The agreement aims to develop knowledge and technologies required to stimulate the bio-based, ecologically balanced and sustainable chemical industry.
This agreement has an initial focus on producing a gap analysis for the implementation of biofuels in aviation.
The topics of interest for the FAPESP-BP agreement which will be subject to a Call for Research Proposals are: Biomass for Bioenergy, focusing on sugarcane; Manufacturing Process for Biofuels; Biorefineries and alcohol chemistry; Applications of Ethanol for Automotive Engines; Socio-economic and environmental impacts, and land use.
FAPESP's agreement with BRASKEM aims at the development of joint R&D in green polymers, its applications and processing.
FAPESP's agreement with DEDINI aims at the development of joint R&D in processing of cellulosic materials, efficiency of sugarcane mills and materials.
- Basic and Applied Research on the Development of DEDINI's Rapid Hydrolysis System (DHR)
- Energy Production, Comsumption and Efficiency
FAPESP's agreement with ETH aims to promote collaborative research in the following priority areas: varietal management of sugarcane, accelerated multiplication of varieties, development of short-cycle biomass, development of industrial yeasts with improved fermentation performance, energy optimization and automation systems for agriculture , agricultural development and optimization of the production process of sugarcane, in addition to recovery and use of waste and by-products (CO2, straw, bagasse and vinasse).
The agreement aims to find solutions for specific complex technological problems, such as the deployment of a complete network infrastructure for communication, analysis of biological systems and creating intuitive interfaces, computers and other low-cost devices with practical possibilities for use by low-income communities.
Call opened to research proposals on "Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics in the Tropics”, with special emphasis on:
- Responses of tropical forest ecosystems to environmental changes,
- Changes in ecosystem as pattern for climatic processes,
- Production of CO2 enriched atmosphere (FACE) on a large scale;
- Design and environment,
- Sustainability in bioenergy.
FAPESP's agreement with Oxiteno, a major Brazilian petrochemical company, aims at R&D related to the study of lignocellulosic materials and its processing.
The cooperation agreement between FAPESP and the UK Research Council (RCUK) has as objective to support the development of cooperative research projects proposed by associated British and Brazilian researchers.
The agreement with Vale (VALE-FAPEMIG-FAPESPA) supports scientific, technological or innovation research to be developed in areas such as mining, energy, biodiversity and ferrous metallurgy.
Other industrial partners can be selected and included.