The following papers were conceived as part of the GSB Initiative:

  • Monteiro, A., AM Allee, EE Campbell, LR Lynd, JR Soares, D Jaiswal, J de C Oliveira, M dos S Vianna, AE Morishige, GKDA Figueiredo, RAC Lamparelli, ND Mueller, J Gerber, LAB Cortez, JJ Sheehan. 2020. Assessment of yield gaps on global grazed-only permanent pasture using climate binning. Glob. Change Biol. 26, 1820–1832.

  • Oliveira, J, D Carvalho, E Santos, R Lamparelli, G Figueiredo, E Moro, AF Bonamigo, J Soares, L Monteiro, M Vianna, E Campbell, D Jaiswal, L Lynd, J Sheehan. 2020. Forage biomass of different pasture management systems in Western Region of São Paulo State, Brazil 1.

  • Cortez, LAB, MRLV Leal, LAH Nogueira (eds). 2018. Sugar Cane Bioenergy for Sustainable Development: Expanding Production in Latin America and Africa. Earthscan from Routledge.

  • Moraes, R, E Beauclair, F Gomes, M Moreira, Rui da Maia. 2018. Identification and Estimation of Sugarcane Production Potential in Mozambique. African Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol 13(37), 1924-31.

  • Nogueira, LH, SP Souza, J Martinez, LAB Cortez. 2018. Sugarcane Can Afford a Cleaner Energy Profile in Latin America & Caribbean. Renewable Energy 121. DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2018.01.024.

  • Souza, LG, LH Nogueira, L Cortez, MR Leal. 2017. Sustainable and Integrated Bioenergy Assessment for Latin America, Caribbean and Africa (SIByl-LACAf): The path from feasibility to acceptability. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 76 (2017) 292–308.

  • Kubota, AM J Guilherme Dal Belo Leite, M Watanabe, O Cavalett, MRLV Leal, L Cortez. The Role of Small-Scale Biofuel Production in Brazil: Lessons for Developing Countries. Agriculture 2017, 7(7), 61.

  • Dalgaard, K. 2017. The Energy Statecraft of Brazil: Promoting biofuels to developing countries. Foreign Policy Analysis, Volume 13, Issue 2, 1 April 2017, Pages 317–337.

  • Leal, MRLV, JGDB Leite, MF Chagas, R da Maia, LAB Cortez. Feasibility assessment of converting sugar mills to bioenergy production in Africa. 2016. Agriculture. 6(3), 45; doi:10.3390/agriculture6030045.

  • Leite, JGDB, MRLV Leal, LAH Nogueira, LAB Cortez, BE Dale, Rui C da Maia, C Adjorlolo. 2016. Sugar cane: A way out of energy poverty. BioFPr. 10:393-408. DOI: 10.1002/bbb.1648.

  • Souza, SP, LAH Nogueira, HK Watson, LR Lynd, M Elmissiry, LAB Cortez. 2016. Potential of Sugarcane in Modern Energy Development in Southern Africa. Front. Energy Res. 4:39

  • Lynd, LR, M Sow, AFA Chimphango, LAB Cortez, CH Brito Cruz, M Elmissiry, M Laser, I Mayaki, MAFD Moraes, LAH Nogueira, GM Wolfaardt, J Woods, WH van Zyl. 2015. Bioenergy and African transformation. Biotech. Biofuels. 8:18 | DOI: 10.1186/s13068-014-0188-5.

  • Fulton, Lewis M., Lee R. Lynd, Alexander Körner, Nathanael Greene, and Luke R. Tonachel. The Need for Biofuels as Part of a Low Carbon Energy Future. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 9, no. 5 (2015): 476–483.

  • Leal, MR, LH Nogueira. The Sustainability of Sugarcane Ethanol: the impacts of the production model. Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol 37, 2014

  • Kang, S., S. Nair, K.L. Kline, J.A. Nichols, D. Wang, W.M. Post, C.C. Brandt, S.D. Wullschlegger, N. Singh, Y. Wei. 2014. Global simulation of bioenergy crop productivity: analytical framework and case study for switchgrass. GCB Bioenergy. 6:14-21.

  • Nair, S.S., S. Kang, X. Zhang, F.E . Miguez, R.C. Izaurralde W.M. Post, M.C. Dietze, L.R. Lynd and S.D. Wullschleger. 2012. Bioenergy crop models: descriptions, data requirements, and future challenges. GCB Bioenergy. 4(6):620-633.

  • Lynd, L.R., and J. Woods. 2011. A new hope for Africa. Nature. 474:S20-S21.

  • Lynd, L. R., R.A. Aziz, C.H.B. Cruz, A.F.A. Chimphango, L.A.B. Cortez, A.Faaij, N. Greene, M. Keller, P. Osseweijer, T.L. Richard, J. Sheehan, A. Chugh, L.V. Weilen, J. Woods, W.H.V. Zyl. A Global Conversation About Energy from Biomass: The Continental Conventions of the Global Sustainable Bioenergy Project. Interface Focus (2011) 1, 271-279. Manuscript RSFS-2010-0047.

  • Lynd, L.R. e C. H. Brito Cruz. Make Way for Ethanol. Science 330 (6008); pp. 1176-1176, (2010). DOI: 10.1126/science.330.6008.1176-a.

  • Brito Cruz, C.H. Goldemberg, J. Rincón Martinez, Ayarza, J., J.M., Cortez, L. Developing a bioenergy plan in Latin America & Caribbean that incorporates advanced technologies IANAS Energy Book (in press).