The following papers were conceived as part of the GSB Initiative:
Monteiro, A., AM Allee, EE Campbell, LR Lynd, JR Soares, D Jaiswal, J de C Oliveira, M dos S Vianna, AE Morishige, GKDA Figueiredo, RAC Lamparelli, ND Mueller, J Gerber, LAB Cortez, JJ Sheehan. 2020. Assessment of yield gaps on global grazed-only permanent pasture using climate binning. Glob. Change Biol. 26, 1820–1832.
Oliveira, J, D Carvalho, E Santos, R Lamparelli, G Figueiredo, E Moro, AF Bonamigo, J Soares, L Monteiro, M Vianna, E Campbell, D Jaiswal, L Lynd, J Sheehan. 2020. Forage biomass of different pasture management systems in Western Region of São Paulo State, Brazil 1.
Cortez, LAB, MRLV Leal, LAH Nogueira (eds). 2018. Sugar Cane Bioenergy for Sustainable Development: Expanding Production in Latin America and Africa. Earthscan from Routledge.
Moraes, R, E Beauclair, F Gomes, M Moreira, Rui da Maia. 2018. Identification and Estimation of Sugarcane Production Potential in Mozambique. African Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol 13(37), 1924-31.
Nogueira, LH, SP Souza, J Martinez, LAB Cortez. 2018. Sugarcane Can Afford a Cleaner Energy Profile in Latin America & Caribbean. Renewable Energy 121. DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2018.01.024.
Souza, LG, LH Nogueira, L Cortez, MR Leal. 2017. Sustainable and Integrated Bioenergy Assessment for Latin America, Caribbean and Africa (SIByl-LACAf): The path from feasibility to acceptability. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 76 (2017) 292–308.
Kubota, AM J Guilherme Dal Belo Leite, M Watanabe, O Cavalett, MRLV Leal, L Cortez. The Role of Small-Scale Biofuel Production in Brazil: Lessons for Developing Countries. Agriculture 2017, 7(7), 61.
Dalgaard, K. 2017. The Energy Statecraft of Brazil: Promoting biofuels to developing countries. Foreign Policy Analysis, Volume 13, Issue 2, 1 April 2017, Pages 317–337.
Leal, MRLV, JGDB Leite, MF Chagas, R da Maia, LAB Cortez. Feasibility assessment of converting sugar mills to bioenergy production in Africa. 2016. Agriculture. 6(3), 45; doi:10.3390/agriculture6030045.
Leite, JGDB, MRLV Leal, LAH Nogueira, LAB Cortez, BE Dale, Rui C da Maia, C Adjorlolo. 2016. Sugar cane: A way out of energy poverty. BioFPr. 10:393-408. DOI: 10.1002/bbb.1648.
Souza, SP, LAH Nogueira, HK Watson, LR Lynd, M Elmissiry, LAB Cortez. 2016. Potential of Sugarcane in Modern Energy Development in Southern Africa. Front. Energy Res. 4:39
Lynd, LR, M Sow, AFA Chimphango, LAB Cortez, CH Brito Cruz, M Elmissiry, M Laser, I Mayaki, MAFD Moraes, LAH Nogueira, GM Wolfaardt, J Woods, WH van Zyl. 2015. Bioenergy and African transformation. Biotech. Biofuels. 8:18 | DOI: 10.1186/s13068-014-0188-5.
Fulton, Lewis M., Lee R. Lynd, Alexander Körner, Nathanael Greene, and Luke R. Tonachel. The Need for Biofuels as Part of a Low Carbon Energy Future. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 9, no. 5 (2015): 476–483.
Leal, MR, LH Nogueira. The Sustainability of Sugarcane Ethanol: the impacts of the production model. Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol 37, 2014
Kang, S., S. Nair, K.L. Kline, J.A. Nichols, D. Wang, W.M. Post, C.C. Brandt, S.D. Wullschlegger, N. Singh, Y. Wei. 2014. Global simulation of bioenergy crop productivity: analytical framework and case study for switchgrass. GCB Bioenergy. 6:14-21.
Nair, S.S., S. Kang, X. Zhang, F.E . Miguez, R.C. Izaurralde W.M. Post, M.C. Dietze, L.R. Lynd and S.D. Wullschleger. 2012. Bioenergy crop models: descriptions, data requirements, and future challenges. GCB Bioenergy. 4(6):620-633.
Lynd, L.R., and J. Woods. 2011. A new hope for Africa. Nature. 474:S20-S21.
Lynd, L. R., R.A. Aziz, C.H.B. Cruz, A.F.A. Chimphango, L.A.B. Cortez, A.Faaij, N. Greene, M. Keller, P. Osseweijer, T.L. Richard, J. Sheehan, A. Chugh, L.V. Weilen, J. Woods, W.H.V. Zyl. A Global Conversation About Energy from Biomass: The Continental Conventions of the Global Sustainable Bioenergy Project. Interface Focus (2011) 1, 271-279. Manuscript RSFS-2010-0047.
Lynd, L.R. e C. H. Brito Cruz. Make Way for Ethanol. Science 330 (6008); pp. 1176-1176, (2010). DOI: 10.1126/science.330.6008.1176-a.
Brito Cruz, C.H. Goldemberg, J. Rincón Martinez, Ayarza, J., J.M., Cortez, L. Developing a bioenergy plan in Latin America & Caribbean that incorporates advanced technologies IANAS Energy Book (in press).