The 1st Workshop Ethanol in the Americas is an initiative focused in the divulgation of the results achived by the GSB - LACAf Project to the international scientific community, as well as industry partners.
Sustainable renewable energy is an effective way to a) enhance energy security; b) reduce GHG; and c) create good jobs and help local economies. Practically all countries in the Americas have strong sugar industry based on sugarcane, and many of these countries are promoting bioethanol in substitution to gasoline, being both US and Brazil the world leaders. However, more research is necessary to improve bioenergy as an option, such as: development of 2G technologies; biofuels for aviation and development of market oriented policies.
Aimed at strengthening collaboration between academia, government and industry, this workshop will focus these issues and try to promote the sustainable bioenergy industry in the Americas, seeking for social and economic benefit to the global community.