Title: Potential of sugarcane in Modern energy Development in southern Africa
Authors: Simone P. Souza, Luiz A. Horta Nogueira, Helen K. Watson, Lee Rybeck Lynd, Mosad Elmissiry and Luís A. B. Cortez
Scientific Journal: Frontiers in Energy Research, 26 December 2016

Title: Sustainable and Integrated Bioenergy Assessment for Latin America, Caribbean and Africa (SIByl-LACAf): The path from feasibility to acceptability
Authors: Luiz Augusto Horta Nogueira, Luiz Gustavo Antonio de Souza, Luís Augusto Barbosa Cortez, Manoel Regis Lima Verde Leal
Scientific Journal: Renewable & Sustainable Energy Review, Volume 76, September 2017, Pages 292-308

Title: The Energy Statecraft of Brazil: Promoting biofuels to African countries
Authors: Klaus Guimarães Dalgaard
Scientific Journal: Foreign Policy Analysis, Volume 13, Issue 2, 1 April 2017, Pages 317–337

Title:  Sugarcane can afford a cleaner energy profile in Latin America & Caribbean
Authors: Simone Pereira Souza, Luiz Augusto Horta Nogueira, Johan Martinez, Luís A.B. Cortez
Scientific Journal: Renewable Energy, January 8, 2018

Title:  Bioenergy and African transformation
Authors: Lee R Lynd, Mariam Sow, Annie F. A. Chimphango, Luis A. B. Cortez, Carlos H. Brito Cruz, Mosad Elmissiry, Mark Laser, Ibrahim A. Mayaki, Marcia A. F. D. Moraes, Luiz A. H. Nogueira, Gideon M. Wolfaardt, Jeremy Woods and Willem H. van Zyl
Scientific Journal: Biotechnology for Biofuels, February 12, 2015


Title: Ethanol as a major coproduct
Authors: Manoel Regis Lima Verde Leal and João G.D.B. Leite
Scientific Journal: ISSCT Congress, Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, volume 29, 610-614, 2016

Title: Feasibility Assessment of Converting Sugar Mills to Bioenergy Production in Africa
Authors: Manoel Regis Lima Verde Leal, João Guilherme Dal Belo Leite, Mateus Ferreira Chagas, Rui da Maia and Luís Augusto Barbosa Cortez.
Scientific Journal: Agriculture 2016, 6(3), 45

Title: Sugarcane: a way out of energy poverty
Authors: João G.D.B. Leite, Manoel R.L.V. Leal, Luiz A.H. Nogueira, Luís A.B. Cortez, Bruce E. Dale, Rui C. da Maia, and Clement Adjorlolo.
Scientific Journal: BioFPR, 5 May 2016

Title: Sugarcane outgrower schemes in Mozambique: findings from the field
Authors: João G.D.B. Leite, Manoel R.L.V. Leal, and F. Langa.
Scientific Journal: ISSCT Congress, Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, volume 29, 2016

Title: The Role of Small-Scale Biofuel Production in Brazil: Lessons for Developing Countries
Authors: Arielle Muniz Kubota, João Guilherme Dal Belo Leite, Marcos Watanabe, Otávio Cavalett, Manoel Regis Lima Verde Leal, and Luis Cortez
Scientific Journal: Agriculture 2017, 7(7), 61

Title:  Economic, environmental, and social impacts of different sugarcane production systems
Authors: Terezinha F. Cardoso, Marcos D.B. Watanabe, Alexandre Souza, Mateus F. Chagas, Otávio Cavalett, Edvaldo R. Morais, Luiz A. H. Nogueira, M. Regis L.V. Leal, Oscar A. Braunbeck, Luis A.B. Cortez and Antonio Bonomi
Scientific Journal: Wiley Online Library, August 29, 2017 

Title:  Sugarcane outgrower schemes in Mozambique: Findings from the field
Authors: J. Leite J, R. Leal, F. Langa
Scientific Journal: International Sugar Journal - ISJ, November 1, 2017

Title:  The Sustainability of Sugarcane Ethanol: The Impacts of the Production Model
Authors: R. Leal, Luiz A. H. Nogueira
Scientific Journal: Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2014


 ***In progress***

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