Venue: Agricultural & Biological Engineering Dept, University of Florida, Gainesville,FL
Date: 9-10 November 2017
Goals and Objectives
The main purpose of this joint two-days workshop is to enhance collaboration in the sugarcane biofuels research between countries in the Americas.
The participants of the November 2017 Workshop are researchers, engineers, agronomists, entrepreneurs from American countries. The total number of participants is estimated to be 40 (fourty).
Expected Results
Sustainable renewable energy is an effective way to a) enhance energy security; b) reduce GHG; and c) create good jobs and help local economies. Practically all countries in the Americas have strong sugar industry based on sugarcane, and many of these countries are promoting bioethanol in substitution to gasoline, being both US and Brazil the world leaders. However, more research is necessary to improve bioenergy as an option, such as: development of 2G technologies; biofuels for aviation and development of market oriented policies. This workshop will focus these issues and try to promote the sustainable bioenergy industry in the Americas.
Organizing Committee
Luis Cortez, Vice-Rector, International Relations Office, University of Campinas
Dorota Haman, Professor and Chair, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Florida
Carolyn Cox, Coordinator III, Florida Climate Institute, University of Florida
Guilherme Brandini Johnston, Events & Divulgation, Interdisciplinary Center of Energy Planning, University of Campinas