Past Events

Past events
- Webinar: Biofuels Use: engines, stationary and aviation applications
- Webinar: Biofuels Technologies: the sustainability challenge
- Webinar: The Biofuture Principles for post-Covid recovery: an agenda for Brazil
- Webinar: BIOEN Research - Biomass and Sustainability
- Seminar: QBQ5772 – Topics in Bioenergy, Biofuels and Renewables Chemistry
- Workshop: BIOEN-FAPESP RenovaBio
- Workshop: Warwick - USP Partnership Workshop on Synthetic Biology
- Seminar: QBQ5772 - Topics on Bioenergy, Biofuels and Renewables Chemistry
- Workshop: Novos Pesquisadores e Expansão das Pesquisas em Bioenergia
- Symposium: COP 21: A Ciência da Sustentabilidade na FAPESP
- Symposium: SCOPE-FAPESP Bioenergy & Sustainability Symposium
- Symposia: Bioenergy & Sustainability - a SCOPE series volume
- Conference: FAPESP-SCOPE Bioenergy & Sustainability report
- Workshop: Trans-Atlantic Partnership Workshop on Synthetic Biology
- Symposium: São Paulo, Brasil - Portugal - Colaboração Científica
- Seminar: Life on a chip
- Seminar: Design and synthesis of pyridines and pyrimidines as potential drug-like scaffolds, from design to application.
- Seminar: Enhanced production of biochemicals through metabolic engineering
- Seminar: Aquaporins trafficking and xylan synthesis and characterization
- Forum: German-Brazilian Bioeconomy Forum
- Conference: BBEST 2014 - Brazilian BioEnergy Science and Technology Conference
- Workshop: Bioenergy & Sustainability: the industry perspective
- Workshop: Upstream management: challenges for second generation sustainable production of bioproducts
- Workshop: BIOEN-BIOTA-PFPMCG-SCOPE Joint Workshop on Biofuels & Sustainability
- Conference: USP Conference on Synthetic Biology for Biomass and Biofuels Production
- Workshop: BIOEN Research
- Workshop: Ethanol fueled Combustion Engines
- Workshop: BIOTA - BIOEN - Mudanças Climáticas
- Workshop: BE-Basic-BIOEN
- Workshop: Sustainable production of biopolymers and other bio-based products
- Workshop: Joint Workshop - Centro Paulista de Pesquisa em Bioenergia, University of Nottingham and University of Birmingham
- Workshop: BIOEN Research - division Sustainability
- Workshop: BIOEN-BIOTA-Climate Change Joint Workshop
Science & policy for a greener economy in the context of RIO+20 - Symposium: Biomass Gaseification
- Seminar: QBQ5772 - Topics on Bioenergy, Biofuels and Renewables Chemistry
- Seminar: QBQ5772 - Topics on Bioenergy, Biofuels and Renewables Chemistry
- Seminar: QBQ5772 - Topics on Bioenergy, Biofuels and Renewables Chemistry
- Seminar: Desafios e oportunidades da biologia sintética aplicada a produtos petroquímicos
- Seminar: Towards sustainable and high efficiency microalgae production systems
- Seminar: Synthetic metabolic and regulatory networks for the production of fuels, chemicals, and drugs
- Seminar: QBQ5772 – Topics in Bioenergy, Biofuels and Renewables Chemistry
- Seminar: QBQ5772 – Topics in Bioenergy, Biofuels and Renewables Chemistry
- Seminar: QBQ5772 – Topics in Bioenergy, Biofuels and Renewables Chemistry
- Conference: BBEST 2011 - Brazilian BioEnergy Science and Technology Conference
- Workshop: Biofuels
- Workshop: Synthetic Biology
- Workshop: Photosyntesis
- Workshop: AISE
- Workshop: GSB
- Workshop: Metabolomics of Sugarcane
- Workshop: Process for Ethanol Production
- Workshop: Biofuel Technologies and their Implications for Water and Land Use
- Workshop: Impact of Land Use Change and Biofuel Crops on Soils and the Environment
- Workshop: Sugarcane Improvement
- Workshop: BIOEN/PPP Etanol on Photosynthesis
- Symposium: Cellulosic Ethanol