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SAVE THE DATE! The BBEST – IEA Bioenergy 2024 Conference


BBEST – IEA Bioenergy 2024 ConferenceBioenergy and bioproducts: accelerating the transition towards sustainability

The BBEST – IEA Bioenergy 2024 Conference will take place in São Paulo, the capital city of the São Paulo State, Brazil, from October 22nd to 24th, 2024.

Organized by the Bioenergy Research Program (BIOEN/FAPESP), the International Energy Agency Bioenergy Technology Collaboration Program, and the Bioenergy Society (SBE), the BBEST – IEA Bioenergy 2024 Conference will bring important topics such as responsible land use, agricultural productivity, resilient multifunctional landscapes, harvesting technology, logistics and scale, development of biorefineries and emerging advanced bioproducts and materials, bioelectricity, biofuels for air, sea and road transport, waste use for bioenergy production and strategies for the circular carbon economy.

After four successful editions in 2011, 2014, 2017, and 2020/2021, BBEST – IEA Bioenergy 2024 Conference intends to bring together the main researchers, scientists, students, and professionals interested in the topic of bioenergy.

Join us!


Sobre o BIOEN: O BIOEN, Programa de Pesquisa em Bioenergia da FAPESP, visa articular pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação (P,D&I) entre entidades públicas e privadas, utilizando laboratórios acadêmicos e industriais para avançar e aplicar o conhecimento nas áreas relacionadas à bioenergia no Brasil. As pesquisas abrangem desde a produção e o processamento de biomassa até tecnologias de biocombustíveis, biorrefinarias, sustentabilidade e impactos. Para mais informações, acesse http://bioenfapesp.org

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